Jessica “Jess” D Kim (David Hohl) ~ April 14, 2023

Rochester: At age 30, Jess passed away on Friday, April 14, 2023 at her home in Rochester, NY. Jess was born in Pembroke Pines, FL as David Gregory Hohl. Survived by her husband; Eli Hemin Kim; her parents, Rebecca Howland Hoyumpa and Michael Hohl; her siblings, Stephen Hohl and Brian Hohl; along with her grandparents, “Lolo” Anastacio Maningo Hoyumpa, and “Grandma Joan” Howland Hoyumpa, Beverly Derison, and James Conway, along with her stepmother, Claudia Hohl. Jess is predeceased by her grandfathers, Leo Hohl and Alan Derison.

She was a gift to the world…wanted to change the world for the better. Her extraordinary creativity and vision enriched us all and she will live forever in our hearts.

“Enjoy as much those moments of laughter as those of joy and pain, and have peace in your life. For some things we may only stand in awe, the words lost with our breath like too little air. For some things we can only laugh.” – Jess

A Memorial Service will take place at 11AM on Tuesday, April 25 2023 at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home, 8624 Main Street in Honeoye, NY. Interment will immediate follow Jess’ memorial service at Maplewood Cemetery, 150 Middle Road in Henrietta, NY. To share a memory or a condolence, please visit:


5 thoughts on “Jessica “Jess” D Kim (David Hohl) ~ April 14, 2023

  1. Our heartfelt sympathies and condolences to you and the family.

  2. Grief is the most harsh feeling to be endured because you heart and soul feels indepth pain regarding the loss of your beloved one who will be forever missed until inevitably you will be eternally with your loved one again in Heaven enjoying your sacred love connection forever. Life is short and your PRECIOUS loved one wants you to know love is a journey for all eternity and your love connection here on Earth will never end because Love in Heaven is forever. This sacred truth will help guide you through your harsh grief and sadness that goes beyond words and only time will help you manage your life to find
    peace once again by knowing your separation isn’t permanent because your love is eternal and so is Heaven. I believe all that I just mentioned because I’ve experienced a miracle decades ago when my Mom passed and she gifted me this awareness of this SACRED TRUTH that she absolutely was in Heaven. Just know you are seriously in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. My Sincere Condolences to the Family .
    A life loss so young .
    The World will be at loss Forever

  4. Jess was an effervescent soul, an embodiment of ebullience. She was an artist and a poet, and I hope she appreciates the sesquipedalian tribute to her memory. XOXO

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