Pastor Michael J. Morrissey ~ October 4, 2021

Livonia, NY:  At age 81, Mike passed peacefully on October 4, 2021 at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.  He was born on July 25, 1940 in Hornell to the late Edward and Alice (West) Morrissey.  Survived by his wife of 61 years, Kathleen “Kay” (Karley) Morrissey and children; Timothy (Noreen) Morrissey, John (Gail) Morrissey, and Debra (Paul) Frost; grandchildren, Nora, James, Andrew, Kristi, Karen, Mark, Amy, David, Shari, Matthew, Julie, Jacob, and Joshua; 18 great-grandchildren; brother Roland (Dee) Morrissey; several nieces, nephews, and many dear friends.

Mike was gloriously saved by his Savior, Jesus Christ, in 1966. This single event changed the whole direction of his life.  His life now belonged to Jesus and he lived every day to serve his Savior. A short time later he was called into the ministry as a missionary with New Tribes Mission in the jungles of Brazil until 1987.

Mike moved his family back to Honeoye, NY in 1985 where he was called to pastor his home church, Faith Bible Church, until 1992.  He then started New Hope Fellowship Church where he has led his congregation faithfully until his passing.  The countless number of lives he touched with his concern, mixed with humor,  is astounding.   He did this trusting God alone to use it for his glory.

No prior calling hours will be held.  A Memorial Service to Celebrate Mike’s Life will be held at 5pm on Friday, October 8th, at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home Inc., 21 Big Tree Street, Rte 15 & 20A, Livonia, NY.  Interment will be held privately.  In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made in his memory to the Livonia Ambulance, PO Box 8, Livonia, NY 14487.  To send a condolence or share a memory please visit:


17 thoughts on “Pastor Michael J. Morrissey ~ October 4, 2021

  1. Dear Kay & Family,
    Just happened to see this opportunity to make some comments. Laura and I have loved you and Mile ever since we went through Jersey Shore together. Mike & I had fun taking turns checking the mail box every day to see if our visas to Brazil had arrived yet. And our years together giving the Gospel to the Caxinawa and Katukina tribes were great. You guys went through a lot, but you did it lovingly together, and all for the Lord. You both were always such a blessing to us, and I know you will continue to be a sweet blessing to your family and friends. We’re praying for you to find the Lord’s strength and nearness to carry you through during this difficult time for you as you adjust to not having Mike by your side. Without a doubt that has got to be super hard. Much love, Dave & Laura Sharp

  2. It was a pleasure taking exercise classes and snacking at McDonalds with Mike and Kay. Mike was not only fun to be with, but a concerned friend to many of us.Wishing Kay and and the family Blessings and Comfort. He was truly a joy to know.

  3. Our loss of my brother Mike Morrissey could not be adaquately expressed in the many moments we have shared over the years. My brother and I did not stay in regular touch over the years except for occasional phone calls or emails. For my part, regret is almost overwhelming at this time. In the last few years we did however get together along with my daughter Barbara once a year for the last several years. This proved to be God directed I do believe. Barb hung on every word of her Uncle Mike….no surprise to many of you I am certain. His impact on both Barb and my son David cannot be overstated. We shall miss him so much. His compassion, his love and trust in our Lord is profound. We are great full for having known this man of God . And having shared many special moments together. And to Kay we want you to know how very much we love you for sharing Michael with us. May God bless you.

  4. So sorry to hear of Mike’s passing, but rejoicing to know he is with his Savior he loved so much. Jerry and Mike were “buddies” before either one were saved. In fact Mike’s changed life made a big impact on Jerry. What a difference knowing the Lord made in both of them. We do look forward to that day when we shall see Mike and other loved ones once again, and when we shall meet our Savior – face to face. Praying for you, Kay. May God’s grace sustain you and may you be comforted by His love.

  5. Back in the early 2,000’s Mike, via email, reached out to me, an unknown stranger, after I completed my deployment to Iraq and then later as I struggled with cancer. We had never met but based on prompting from his church elder, Mike took the initiative to minister to me. He had a true shepherd’s heart. Over the years he, Kay, and I would email each other with prayer requests, missionary reports, and words of encouragement. Then we progressed to telephone calls. As our relationship grew, I had a chance to reciprocate by interceding in prayer for him and Kay as they went through a series of trials. As Christian brothers in the Lord, we had become friends. Finally, a few years ago when I drove to New York from south-central Pennsylvania to have work done on my canoe, I met the Morrissey’s in person. What warm and delightful fellowship we had. From the beginning of our email contacts, it was clear that Mike deeply and reverently loved our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Mike’s intimate relationship with Jesus unequivocally was the focus of his life. He exuded a special joy in the Lord which was based on an abiding love for Him. Thus, Mike fulfilled the First Great Commandment to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and mind. And per the Second Great Commandment, Mike loved his neighbor as he loved himself. Moreover, in obedience to the Great Commission, he had a tremendous burden to bring the good news to the lost. Mike, thank you for your love and your life. The Lord used you to bless me and many, many others. He is pleased with you. I know you are now delighting in His presence. John 13:35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

  6. I will Always have a BIG Smile when I remember Pastor Mike, Puppets, & dumpster diving… were a Bright Light in everyone’s life. Now you shine even Brighter…

  7. I always enjoyed my summer breakfasts with pastor Mike and the gang as I call them. Even thought I have been gone from Hemlock for the past 15 years he made me feel like things never changed. He was funny and entertaining. I often wondered how he and Kaye could live in the amazon in such frugal conditions.His stories of the natives, snakes, piranha were fascinating. To see pictures of the amazon house were they lived was humbling This shows how they loved to spread the word of God. His Thursday morning prayers at breakfast always included me and Michelle and the special needs for our families. He always prayed for us to have a safe trip home, and he always made me feel very special. He will be missed greatly. Kaye we are praying for you.

  8. Kay: I am sorry to hear of Mike’s home going in the sense that we will miss him greatly as I know you and the family will even more. But, like you, I am thrilled to think of him with His Lord that he loved and loved serving! I always enjoyed your occasional visits here at Jersey Shore, and of course, getting Mike’s emails! I am sure the Lord welcomed him with open arms and when we stand before Him some day at the Judgment Seat, Mike will hear “well done”! He was a faithful servant ever since he came to know the Lord as his Savior! Great memories of the times we spent together! May the Lord uphold you as you adjust to the loss of your soulmate!

  9. Little did we realize the close friendship that would develop over the many years with Mike and Kay when we first met in 1967 when we entered New Tribes Missionary Training Program together. Later we served with them of the field where we further developed that friendship. They had arrived on the field before we did and were of a great encouragement as we adapted to missionary life. We spent a lot of time together in fellowship and fishing.
    Then on Aug. 5th 1989 our son Paul married Debra that enabled us to share to grandsons.
    Working with and knowing Mike you knew that you were not in competition but in union with him.
    We will miss his wit and humor as well as what he had to share from God’s Word but will look forward to resume fellowship around of Lord.
    We also know that the Yawahna People in the Jungles of Brazil will certainly miss him and the contact that he maintained with them thru Skype.
    Well done Mike

  10. mike you will be missed by all you were a very great man. you did a lot for this world. will miss you much at the thurs morning coffee hours and your friendly attitude. i enjoyed talking and drinking coffee with you and the whole group rest in piece my good friend

  11. Harold & June Tiegs
    We were in missionary training with Mike & Kay at Jersey Shore, PA. We enjoyed our time together even though it was short. Mike had a sensitive and open heart for the Lord. We enjoyed his happy and humorous outlook on life. I, June, found a friend in Kay and we spent quite a bit of time together. We’re blessed by God to have known both of them.

  12. Pastor Mike was there for me in the darker times of life, when I lost loved ones (my dad, my mom, my wife); and in the joyous times, as when he officiated at our wedding and shared in our joy. And in all the other times, all the peaks and valleys of life, he was an example of a person who just totally loved Jesus, who was sometimes overcome with gratitude to his Lord and Savior, and who was excited about serving Him and about finding opportunities to show love and compassion to people. We know he’s with the Lord he loved and just waiting expectantly for us to someday come along. He’ll be missed — but what a legacy he’s left in the lives touched and light shone.

  13. Well done, good and faithful servant! Enter into the joy of the Lord. Kay, thinking of you and your family and I will pray for the Lord’s blessing and comfort!

  14. Mike and Kay were some of our best friends in Manaus Brazil. We were with World for Christ missions and met over ham radio. We shared many a meal and risk games together. He was loved by all. We will miss him.

  15. Thanks Dad for your testimony and example to us. We will carry on with joy in our hearts because we know you are with our Savior. John Morrissey

  16. Mr. Morrissey was such a kind man. He was always fun to talk to and always laughing and in a good mood whenever we seen him. He had a way of making people laugh. He will be greatly missed. Rest in Heaven Mr. Morrissey.

  17. I will miss dad Morrissey. He was always so loving and caring and made me feel like his own daughter. I will miss his quirkyness and sharing his Morrissey “moments”. He was humble and wise and cared about everyone in his own special way. II will always remember the day we went to the pottery store, he was the bull in a China shop. I will miss you dad, but I know where you are and I’m so happy for you. We’ll done Mike Morrissey!

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