Thea Bodenstaff – April 6, 2021

Lima, NY.  On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, Trijntje (Thea) Bodenstaff, beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, passed away peacefully at the age of 94.

Trijntje Blaauwbroek was born in Oosterwolde, Friesland in the Netherlands on January 12, 1927, to parents Harm and Ebeltje (Vonk), as the only daughter in a family of four sons.  After enduring many excruciating years in the Netherlands under Nazi occupation during WWII, Trijntje emigrated to the United States of America with her husband and infant daughter on May 6, 1949.

The traumas presented by suffering under Hitler’s control instilled in Thea a profound appreciation for the country that she now called home and the American freedoms that it provided.  She was unwaveringly grateful for the opportunity to vote, never neglecting a chance to exercise this privilege or speak to others about the need to appreciate this liberty.  Despite her failing health, Thea insisted on completing her ballot in November 2020, proudly demonstrating that her voice mattered, after experiencing a regime that had silenced her views as insignificant.  Thea’s deep-rooted patriotism was a hallmark of her character and, whether waving a flag at a parade or saluting the soldiers that liberated her hometown, she was eternally grateful for the country that had adopted her as its own.

Thea was married to the love of her life, Herman Bodenstaff, for 44 years.  After emigrating to America, Thea and Herman settled and raised three daughters in the Rochester area.  She was a skilled homemaker and an active member of the community, participating in PTA and enjoying many years as a Girl Scout Troop leader.  For over 30 years, Thea volunteered at the Rochester General Hospital Oncology Center, finding immense joy in attending the needs of the patients and assisting the staff.  Her childhood aspiration was to become a nurse, but the occupation of her home country stipulated that she use those nursing skills for the Nazi regime, something she refused to do.  Her morals led her to sacrifice that dream until she found an outlet at the RGH.  Recognized as ‘Volunteer of the Year’ for her work at the hospital, she stated, “I love people.  You get so much out of what you put in.  We just all need to show each other more love.”

An avid gardener and nature enthusiast with unsurpassed skill, Thea’s beautiful gardens and talented green thumb were the envy of many.  She remained active in bowling leagues, Women’s Life Benefit Society, Silver Sneakers exercise group, wood carving, painting and the Lima Golden Agers.  She was a masterful knitter, spending many hours crafting hats for newborns at area hospitals or designing sweaters and blankets for chilly family and friends.  She also held a passion for traveling the world and appreciating the intense beauty to be found, despite the early hardships she had endured and evil she had seen.  Never willing to turn down an adventure, Thea’s 94 years were focused on imparting love, enjoying her family and appreciating the world around her with every moment that was granted to her.

Thea was predeceased by her husband, Herman, and daughter, Evelyn Kirkwood.  She is survived by her daughters Nancy (Joe) Barkan of Geneseo, NY, Louise (Richard) Utter of Salem, SC, son-in-law Jim Kirkwood of Lima, NY, grandchildren Jim (Julie) Kirkwood, Kim Barkan, David (Anna) Kirkwood, Kristy (Nick Warner) Barkan & Jeff Barkan.  Also surviving are five great-grandchildren; Lucy, Molly, Freddy, Kate & Henry, of whom Thea was exceptionally proud.  Thea leaves behind many nieces, nephews and relatives both in the USA and the Netherlands.  The family would like to also thank Thea’s devoted friend, Mrs. Margaret Paradise, for her support and friendship.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the family will be holding an outdoor celebration of life at an undetermined date in the Summer of 2021.  Details will be forthcoming.

A private graveside service will be held in the future at St. Michael’s Cemetery, Livonia, NY.

In addition, the family would like to acknowledge the exceptionally caring and skilled staff at the Avon Nursing Facility for the wonderful comfort and love they have provided Thea during such a difficult year.  We are overwhelmingly grateful to all of you.

In lieu of flowers, the family would ask that you please use Thea’s memory to spread love, kindness and perhaps even a few flower seeds to make this world even more beautiful than the way she viewed it.  Donations are unnecessary but can be sent to the Rochester General Hospital Oncology Center or the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, if desired.  To send a condolence or share a memory please visit:


12 thoughts on “Thea Bodenstaff – April 6, 2021

  1. We knew Thea thru Women’s Life. She will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
    Vivian Michel and Diana Farrell

  2. To The family Bodenstaff-Blaauwbroek I offer my sincere condolences.
    I only know about you through my research of the Bodenstaff family tree and I have been in contact with her sister Nanny Barkan-Bodenstaff by email once or twice
    My thoughts go out to Trijntje’s (Thea’s) children and grand children.

    Regards Philip John Bodenstaff, Amstelveen, Netherlands

  3. Thea and I have been friends for over 60 yrs. We met when her husband and mine worked at Kodak.She joined our organization,Woman’s Life and we were traveling with 5 couples to all the State and National meetings. Went to Hawaii twice, also the Catskills.(she loved the Sauna’s) The couples also gathered at the LAND ( as we called it)We hiked and made grapevine wreath’s etc. She even had her grandchildren help to make crafts for our Bazaars. She loved our country.Even wrote an article once telling all to appreciate it because of all she endured in her homeland. I will miss talking to her, she called me a few days before she passed, I wonder if she knew? Bless her family. Love Peg

  4. Thea was a powerful support for many of our cancer patients for years. Her perception and compassion allowed her to hone in on the source of a person’s distress; she was able to provide counsel and emotional support. She was a force to reckon with when she would advocate for the patient’s needs!
    She will be remembered fondly by the staff of Lipson Cancer Institute. Sincere condolences to the family.

  5. Our condolences to the family. Thea was a close friend of my Mother-in-law, Jennie van Essen. They would have Friday night dinner at the Avon Inn at the same table with the same waitress for years. They would talk about the Netherlands and about their adventures in coming to the US after WW2.

  6. I offer my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Thea Bodenstaff. She was a true force of nature – in the best possible way! Thea was my girl scout leader (good grief, along with my mother) when I was about 10-12 years old.
    Thea reappeared again in my life when I worked in Medical Oncology at RGH for 17 years – as the most dedicated, outstanding, funny, loving, exuberant and gracious volunteer EVER. N
    After leaving RGH, I never had the pleasure of seeing Thea again. In my heart I will always see her smile, hear her signature accent, and feel the love she had for every person she ever met.

  7. I knew Thea since the mid 80s as a patient and a friend. I saw her bright smile lighting up RGH on a regular basis as I went about my rounds in the hospital. She always had a good word to share. Her spirit will illuminate the halls of RGH

  8. I helped her with her gardens and lawn work for several years. I will miss are conversations about politics and just life in general she will be missed.

  9. Our sympathy at the passing of another wonderful mother and grandmother, also, a beautiful talented lady. So glad she was part of our lives and I hope she is now with her loved ones in heaven. Bonnie and John Bailey

  10. I knew Thea through the Silver Sneakers exercise classes. I loved my acquaintance with her. She amazingly continued this program way beyond the age where most people quit attending. We will certainly miss her.

  11. Thea was a wonderful volunteer in the RGH Cancer Center. She helped me make a knitted baby blanket for my first born grand child, Koby. He still has it today and he is 22 years old. This was my one and only knitted blanket so I’ll remember Thea fondly for her patience!! Matter of fact, when my daughter opened it at her baby shower, no one believed I had made it.
    She was also a wonderful volunteer, very dependable. Would do anything you asked of her. So sorry to hear she has died; she lived a long and fulfilling life. Diane Kron, Retired RN

  12. Sorry to hear that Thea has passed away. I worked at Kodak in MSDD and knew Dutch quite well. When I retired I was invited to join a group of ex-Kodakers who met monthly for coffee and conversation. Dutch was also in the group so we continued our friendship. The group met two times per year with spouses for a picnic in summer and a Christmas lunch. That’s where I met Thea.
    After Dutch passed away Thea continued to come to our gatherings. She was one sharp lady and always fun to be with. We always looked forward to seeing her. The Virus put a halt to our meetings so hadn’t been in touch for a while.
    In addition, Louise Utter was a contract information systems person in a group I managed in later years. Hi, Louise. So sorry about your mom.

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