Susan N. Guenther – October 29, 2021

Livonia:  At age 73, Susan passed away peacefully on Friday, October 29, 2021 at Suzanne’s Comfort Care in Perry, NY.  She was born in Rochester, NY to the late Louis and Alice Nesbitt.  She is predeceased by her son, Patrick Guenther who passed in 2010.  Survived by her husband of 53 years, Francis “Fritz” Guenther; son, Mark (Patricia) Guenther; brothers, L. Richard Nesbitt Jr. and Michael Nesbitt; brothers-in- law, Michael (Rhonda) Guenther, Thomas (Patricia) Guenther and James West, also survived by many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends.

Susan’s passion was politics, where she served as Livingston County Democratic Election Commissioner at the Board of Elections for 25 years. She also was Livingston County Democratic Chairman for many years.  She also loved knitting and crafts, but most of all caring for her family and others.

At Susan’s request no calling hours will be held.  A Funeral Mass will take place at 10AM on Friday, November 5, 2021 at St. Matthew Church, 6591 Richmond Mills Road, Rte 20A, Livonia, NY.  Interment will be held privately.  In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Susanne’s Comfort Care Home, 167 N Main St, Perry, NY 14530 or the American Cancer Society, PO Box 10727, Rochester, NY 14610.  To send a condolence or share a memory please visit:


42 thoughts on “Susan N. Guenther – October 29, 2021

  1. My deepest condolences to Fritz, Mark and entire Guenther family. Sue was always friendly, respectful and extremely helpful to members of both political parties. Thank you Sue for all your help and patience when i needed it. With God speed!
    Amanda and Michael Hayes

  2. My dear life long friend Fritz, my heart is breaking for you. I am so sorry you have lost Sue, she was such a kind, happy soul always. I enjoyed working with her thru the Board of Elections where she absolutely shined for all of us as well as for Livingston County. She and I would constantly discuss or boys thru the years. Our world has lost a beautiful person and heaven as gained a beautiful angel. Rest easy dear friend Sue and Godspeed.
    Condolences also to Mark and his family.

  3. Our condolences to the family on Sue’s passing. She was a joy to know and an asset for Livingston County and all those she helped in so many ways. Michael and I shall miss her. Blessings.

  4. Fritz, Dick, Michael and Mark. I am saddened by the news of Susan’s passing. She was a rock in our family! Her joy of life was always an inspiration. It is sad to think that of the 9 cousins the 2 girls have gone first. Peg always looked up to Sue. I will have happy memories of the time we spent in Livonia, especially because of Susan. My prayers will be with you and the rest of the family. Love to all!! Paul

  5. Susan, Our student, baby sitter, loyal Democrat and beloved friend. I will never forget the evening Sue was babysitting and we came home to see Fritz running out the side door. We got a lot of laughs over that.
    I don’t believe I ever saw Sue without a smile on her face. She lit up a room with her smile and graciousness.
    We will all miss her here on earth but God has received a gem
    God Bless all the Guenthers .

  6. Fritz,
    I am sorry to hear this sad news. I was always happy to see Susan over the years. I will keep her and you in my prayers.

  7. Sending my deepest condolences Uncle Fritz and Mark. I was so sad to here of Aunt Sue passing. She was a wonderful Aunt and it was such a joy to grow up with you all as neighbors. I love you all and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  8. Chuck and I are so sorry about Sue’s passing. She has left a hole in our community. She always asked about the girls and had something funny or comforting to say. Chuck appreciated all the times she came into his government class to pass out voter registration forms to those old enough. She will be greatly missed. We will keep the Guenther and Nesbitt families in our prayers.

  9. I am so sorry to have learned of sue’s passing. Growing up with her and working with her was such a blessing to me!! We always had many laughs together and a warm hug always. She was such a pillar in the community. We lost one of our great livonia monarchs!! Until we met again love hugs and blessings!

  10. Fritz and family, Such sad news. Sue was a wonderful lady. I always enjoyed chatting with her, so positive and full of life. God Bless you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Fritz & Family
    I know there are no words to console your loss. Everyone will miss the smile and warm words Susan always expressed. She always took time with wise and kind advice. Always a good friend. I will miss her.
    My heart felt sympathies to all of you.

  12. Dear Fritz and family,
    I am deeply saddened to learn of Sue’s passing. Today, more than ever, one of the most important things our governments must do is to provide our citizens with open, fair, and honest elections. Sue and Nancy Leven were leaders and in the forefront in doing so years ahead of others. Livingston County’s BOE was a model statewide. I am proud and honored to have known and worked with this wonderful woman. May Sue be at peace.

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. Susan was such a sweet and caring person. She will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with the family

  14. Fritz and family, I’m so sorry to hear this news. Laura just texted and told me this morning, what a way to start a day. Here I complain but it’s you and your family that have the worst pain, that will last forever.
    I loved working with Susan even all the spats we would get into over politics and people that were on ballots, election night was intense especially if the Republicans had lost a crucial race. Memories, I laugh many times I think about those times working at BOE. She was a gem, there is so many more words I could use but always a gem. She loved her family deeply. I will pray for your whole family to find comfort during this horrible time of grief. I wish I lived closer so that I could be of some help. You all are in my thoughts today and I’m sure for a few days to come. The pain will ease but her memory’s will always be there to help comfort.
    Darlene and Mark Mason

  15. Dear Fritz and family, Charmagne and I are both so sad to hear of Susan’s passing! She was such a force for good in our community and in the lives of MANY! She will be missed as will her impact. God Bless one and all.

  16. So sorry to hear of Susan’s passing . She always asked about my sons when she saw me and was truly a genuine person in her concern for others. Prayers of comfort over Fritz and Mark .

  17. So sorry to hear of Sue’s passing. She was an awesome person who always had a smile. I will always remember election nights and working with her at the county fondly. May she Rest In Peace now. Hugs and prayers for her family which was her true passion.

  18. My condolences to the entire Guenther family. Susan and her sweet smile will be deeply missed.

  19. So sorry for your family’s loss. I was associated with Susan for many years through the Election Commissioners Association. She was always so sweet and kind to all around her. <ay she rest in peace. Susan Bahren, Former Commissioner of Elections Orange County

  20. Fritz and family,
    Whenever I saw Sue in the store, she always brought a smile to my face! Very sorry to hear she has passed.

  21. I am so sorry to hear of Susan’s passing. She was a wonderful sweet soul. I will keep her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers. Condolences to you all.

  22. I was very sadden to hear of Susan’s passing she leaves behind memories of a beautiful life lived a very compassionate kind and caring person and I was honored to have known her called her a friend and proud to have work with her for many wonderful years may her family find comfort in having her in their lives she brought wonderful memories to many.

  23. Sorry to hear of Susan’s passing. She was a great lady. She will be missed. I will have her in my prayers.

  24. So sorry to hear of the passing of Sue. She was such a sweet person. Richard and I will miss her. Rita and Richard Kiehle

  25. We are so sorry to hear of the passing of Sue. She was such sweet person. She will be missed.

  26. Dear Fritz and family, We were so very sorry to hear of Susan’s passing.
    She was such a kind and generous lady. A wonderful friend to so many people.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this sad time.

  27. Dear Fritz,
    I am heartbroken to learn of Susan’s passing. We had such fun in school and even though we didn’t see each other often, it was always wonderful to catch up when we did. I will always remember her as the amazing woman she was. My love and prayers go out to you and your family.

  28. I am so sad to hear of Sue’s passing, she was the warmest, sweetest, most genuine person I have ever met. My deepest sympathy to Fritz and the Guenther family. ??

  29. Dear Fritz,
    This seems so unlikely as Doug and I joined you and Susan for lunch at the
    Lima Hotel early July. This is when our faith needs to hold us together knowing
    the Lord is completely in charge and doesn’t make mistakes. My heart goes
    out to you and the Guenther family…with fond memories of our LCS days.

  30. Our condolences to Fritz and the family with Susan’s passing; many memories of Susan helping me with my campaign years ago, always available with so much information and wisdom…..and a smile that was never ending.

  31. My condolences to Susan’s family. Susan always had a friendly smile and kind word.
    R.I.P. Susan

  32. So terribly sorry to hear about Susan’s passing. She was a lovely, sweet woman. I always enjoyed catching up with her, whenever she was at MaryAnn’s, while getting my nails done.
    Condolences to the entire family.
    Rest In Peace

  33. Tamar and I are sending heartfelt condolences to Fritz and the Guenther family. Sue was very special and always so warm and genuine. God Bless.

  34. Fritz, Mark, Dick, Michael: so sorry for your loss. I have a special place I. My heart for Susan as she was one of the most loyal people in politics I have ever known. She could always be counted on as an honest thoughtful, and hard working empathetic individual. I’m proud to have been able to call her a friend, a fellow Democrat, a respected public servant. Karen and I will keep you all in our prayers.
    Dan & Karen West

  35. Fritz and family…my heart is aching for all of you. The May family bid farewell to Cameron in August. He so loved Susan as a classmate and friend. Two very special souls are now with their maker and having a.joyful reunion. May you find comfort in your wonderful memories and the love you shared.

  36. Fritz, Mark, Patty and family our thoughts and prayers go out to you all. Susan was an amazing person/cousin/friend!!! She always found the good in everyone and as long as no one got hurt, most situations! Although, we will miss her tremendously, I believe she is up there watching over us all.
    Much love, Vince (the Prince) and Patsie

  37. So sorry to read of Susan’s death. Her family and mine had a special connection. My sympathies to all of you.

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